Беседа:Ичо Калинов

Последен коментар: преди 11 години от Подпоручикъ

Илия (Илко) Калинов или Калин Илиев (Илков)? Гледам в ел е Йоанис Илкос - Калин да са го прекарали на Йоанис? Не е невъзможно... Или пък Илия Иванов Калинов. --Мико (беседа) 14:47, 3 февруари 2013 (UTC)Отговор

Забравил си, ей тука нещо ги мъдрехме - [1]. --Подпоручикъ (беседа) 14:51, 3 февруари 2013 (UTC)Отговор
Хаха - мъдрил си си го сам затова съм и забравил. :-) Махай ако сметаш за добре ел. --Мико (беседа) 14:54, 3 февруари 2013 (UTC)Отговор
А нека си седи ЕЛ, моята логика е, че е един и също. --Подпоручикъ (беседа) 14:56, 3 февруари 2013 (UTC)Отговор

I believe that Itso Kalinov is not Giovanis Ilkos. "Itso" or "Itsos" or "Itsios" in Macedonian Greek dialects is Christos (even nowadays Christos is called Itsos in my area). Like Kitsos Botsaris or Greek prime minister Kitsos Tzavelas. I think this has nothing to do with Giovanis or Ilias. User:Pyraechmes Pyraechmes (беседа)

Kitse comes from Krsto or Kostadin (greek forms Stavros and Konstantin). I have no direct source to prove my thesis, but here is what i think: Icho Kalinov (also Kalin Icho) is pseudonym given by the local population in Petrovo, because Kalin is name not used in Pazar / Giannitsa region, but in greek is always translated as Kalo(Gianis), ergo Ioanis. On the other hand Ilko or Ilo (Ilia) sounds very close to Icho (Hristo), and in some bulgarian dialects they are mixed and Ilia called Icho is possible variant. The name difference is not a problem, here is example from Petrevo: the greek activists who were killed by IMARO Athanassios Aliris, Dimitrios Ath. Aliris and Athanassios Dim. Alaris are mentioned in bulgarian sources once as Alarovi and second time as Karastoyanovi, which support my thesis mentioned above.
In the book "Μάνος, Νικόλαος. Αφανείς Γηγενείς Μακεδονομάχοι (1903-1913), Ι. Σ. Κολιόπουλος (επιστ. εποπτεία), Ι. Δ. Μιχαηλίδης – Κων. Σ. Παπανικολάου (επιμ.), Θεσσαλονίκη, Ε.Μ.Σ. – University Studio Press, 2008" Ilkos Giovanis / Ioanis is given as cheta leader from Petrevo, just like Icho Kalin (who is cheta leader according to Ivan Babev's book). Also there is mentioned Hristo Ioanis (Χρήστος Ιωαννίδης) which is more like to be Icho Kalinov, but he was killed during the struggle by IMARO. As we see Icho Kalinov was killed in 1920s so he fits to be the same one with Ilko Giovanis. --Подпоручикъ (беседа) 10:07, 20 февруари 2013 (UTC)Отговор

According to the above, it seems to me Itso Kalinov more close to Christos Ioannidis than to Ioannis Ilkos. You are right that last names often are being confused, but fist names very rarely. When we say "Itsos" he is "Christos" and nothing else (at least in Paeonia municipality where I know). You are right that "Kalinov" might be a nickname came from "Kalos" (or maybe Kalinovo/Soultogianneika?). But that nickname can fit both in Ilkos and Ioannidis. You said that Christos Ioannidis was killed during the struggle. That is not correct. Koliopoulos' book writes "he was killed by Bulgarians" and nothing more. It didn't say when, it didn't say which Bulgarians. You know that in 1920's there were a lot of ex-members of IMARO still in Macedonia and were acting like kleftes/haiduks in the mountains. They tried to take revenge for some previous crimes back from the struggle (see Giupcheto also). So, it is more possible that Christos (Itsos) Ioannidis/Kalinov is the one that was killed in 1920 and not Ioannis (Yovan) Ilkos. User:Pyraechmes Pyraechmes (беседа)

I have changed the text in a way to give only a possibility that Icho and Ilko are same person. That way i think it's ok. --Подпоручикъ (беседа) 05:26, 23 юни 2013 (UTC)Отговор
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