Беседа:Хулио Иглесиас

По отношение на Хулио Иглесиас марки изображение


Regarding Julio Iglesias Trade Mark image, this page must have some change and taking off not allowed picture. --Предният неподписан коментар е направен от All4julio (беседа • приноси) 11:22, 26 юли 2009 (проверка).

Hello All4julio. I suppose that your English is better than your Bulgarian :) so please, explain the case in English. You can sign your posts using ~~~~. Спири 11:27, 26 юли 2009 (UTC)Отговор

Please, Note that this was a Mr. Iglesias request. His real name is just "Julio Iglesias" as registered by the US and Spain's Court of Laws. I don't know if any moderator have lucrative interest on the black picture, but sure it attacks to Julio Iglesias Trade Mark. --Предният неподписан коментар е направен от All4julio (беседа • приноси) .

Може да има резон в това, което казва, погледнах другите езици, името е само Хулио Иглесиас. Но при такива промени все пак е редно да се иска източник и да се пише в беседата преди да се нанесат корекциите.--Радостина 19:06, 26 юли 2009 (UTC)Отговор
If this picture is not in the public domain, or licensed under an appropriate free license, you should explain it on its Wikimedia Commons talk page, and it will be removed. Otherwise, it will stay, and the Wikipedias will use it as they seem fit. That is how images are handled in Wikipeidia. -- Григор Гачев 19:25, 27 юли 2009 (UTC)Отговор

I took this "talk page" as closed. I don't want you to make public my personal e-mail or name. Thanks

You can delete only your name and e-mail from your post above (not the whole post or all the posts), but it's not appropriated to delete the talk.--Алиса Селезньова 20:38, 27 юли 2009 (UTC)Отговор
Yeah, such request is eligible. I already removed this data. Спири 20:39, 27 юли 2009 (UTC)Отговор

Thgank you Spirita! :-)--Предният неподписан коментар е направен от All4julio (беседа • приноси) .

Here are some of the sources that certify the birth name of Julio Iglesias to be Julio Jose Iglesias de la Cueva: imdb.com, grandesestrellas.com, todomusica.com, jrank.org, wikimusicguide.com, 8notes.com, WME Entertainment, exampleessays.com, thewiplist.com, mvdbase.com. Thus, I consider the topic closed, and the fact of his birth name proven.
As for the image you want to be taken down, the copyright law is clear: the copyright over a form of art, eg. photo, belongs to the author, and noone else. Even if you really speak for Mr. Iglesias (which you haven't proved in any way), he may exert no more rights over this image than any other non-author, eg. you or me. Thus, I consider this topic closed, too. The photo is free to stay here.
In this light, I consider your modifications to his page as a baseless vandalism. Any further attempts to do it again will result in blocking your account and possibly describing the case in a separate section on the page.
I will consider also notifying the other Wikipedias of the conversation here, so they may review and possibly revert your changes, too. -- Григор Гачев 22:06, 28 юли 2009 (UTC)Отговор
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