Люис Морган: Разлика между версии

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JAnDbot (беседа | приноси)
м Робот Добавяне: mk:Луис Хенри Морган
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Ред 9:
| починал-място=[[Рочестър (Ню Йорк)|Рочестър]], [[САЩ]]
'''Люис Хенри Морган''' ([[21 ноември]], [[1818]] - [[17 декември]], [[1881]]) е [[САЩ|американски]] [[антрополог]], [[етнолог]] и писател. Макар и [[юрист]] по образование и професия, той е известен именно като с аматьорските си проучвания върху [[индианци]]те и теорията си за [[еволюция на културите|еволюцията на културите]]. Морган е изтъкната личност, получила множество високи отличия през живота си.
== Биография ==
'''Люис Морган''' се ражда в провинциално градче. През [[1840]] завършва [[право]] в [[колеж]]а „Юниън“, в град [[Скънъктади]] и започва практика в родния си град [[Аурора]], както и в [[Рочестър (Ню Йорк)|Рочестър]]. Работи в [[Нюйоркски сенат|нюйоркския сенат]], през [[1879]] е избран за президент на [[Американска асоциация на научния прогрес|Американската асоциация на научния прогрес]] и член на [[Американска академия на науките|Американската академия на науките]]. Умира през [[1881]] на 63 годишна възраст.
== Морган и етнологията ==
Морган проявява жив интерес към [[индианци]]те, населяващи неговия регион и спомага за учредяването на клуба ''Велекия орден на ирокезите'' ([[английски език|англ.]] ''Grand Order of the Iroquois''), чиято цел е популяризиране интереса към [[ирокези]]те. Формално е приет за член на в тяхното общество като бива осиновен от ирокезкото племе [[сенека (ирокези)|сенека]] с името ''Тейедейоуку'' (името ''Tayadaowuhkuh'' носи смисъла на „изглаждащ различията“ между бѐлите и ирокезите).
With the help of his [[Seneca tribe]] friend [[Ely S. Parker]] of the Tonawanda Creek Reservation, he studied the culture of the Iroquois and produced the book, ''The League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee or [[Iroquois]]'' (1851). This volume became one of the earliest examples of [[ethnography]], and these initial researches led him to consider more general questions of human social organization. In keeping with the general interest in social evolution common to his times, he began publishing books such as his seminal ''Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity'' (1871) and ''Houses and House-lives of the American Aborigines'' (1881). His goal was to explain the wide variety of [[kinship]] systems in indigenous societies as different stages in human evolution and social development.
Developments in the field of anthropology mean that Morgan's legacy is far from simple. Like [[Herbert Spencer]] and [[Edward Burnett Tylor]], Morgan was a proponent of [[social evolution]]. He proposed a unilinear scheme of evolution from primitive to modern, through which he believed societies progressed. His evolutionary views of the three major stages of social evolution, [[savagery]], [[barbarism]], and [[civilization]], were proposed in ''[[Ancient Society]]''. They are divided by technological inventions, like [[fire]], [[bow (weapon)|bow]], [[pottery]] in savage era, [[domestication of animals]], [[agriculture]], [[metalworking]] in barbarian era and [[alphabet]] and [[writing]] in civilization era. Thus Morgan introduced a link between the [[social progress]] and [[technological progress]]. Morgan viewed the technological progress as a force behind the social progress, and any [[social change]] — in [[social institution]]s, organisations or ideologies have their beginning in the change of technology. His theory became an important milestone in the development of [[social Darwinism]].{{inote|http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/morgan-lewis/ancient-society/ch03.htm}}
[[Karl Marx]] and [[Friedrich Engels]] relied on his accounts of the evolution of indigenous peoples to fill in their own account of the development of capitalist society. As a result many come to his writings from a leftist or [[Marxist]] point of view. Within the discipline of anthropology authors such as [[Leslie White]] championed Morgan's legacy while [[Franz Boas]] attacked it. Today many of the specific aspects of Morgan's evolutionary position have been rejected and unilinear theories of evolution are not highly regarded, but connections between material culture and social structure remain objects of anthropological interest. Moreover, many anthropologists recognize that Morgan was one of the first people to systematically study [[kinship]] systems and there is a prestigious annual lecture memorializing Morgan given each year at the Anthropology Department of the [[University of Rochester]].
== Външни препратки ==