Хърбърт Саймън: Разлика между версии

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+ библиография
Ред 18:
Умира на 9 февруари 2001 г. в Питсбърг, [[Филаделфия]], САЩ.
== Библиография ==
* 1947. ''Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organizations'',
: - 4th ed. in 1997, The Free Press
* 1956, 'Reply: Surrogates for Uncertain Decision Problems'.
: - Reprinted in 1982, In: H.A. Simon, Models of Bounded Rationality, Volume 1, Economic Analysis and Public Policy, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 235-44
* 1957. ''Models of Man''. John Wiley. Presents mathematical models of human behaviour.
* 1958 (with James G. March and the collaboration of Harold Guetzkow). ''Organizations''. New York: Wiley.
* 1967. 'Motivational and emotional controls of cognition', ''Psychological Review'', vol. 74:29-39, reprinted in ''Models of Thought'' Vol 1.
* 1969. ''The Sciences of the Artificial''. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1st edition
* 1972 (with Allen Newell). ''Human Problem Solving''.
* 1972, 'Theories of Bounded Rationality'. In: C.B. McGuire and ROY Radner teds. 1 , Decision and Organization, North-Holland Publishing Company, 161-76
* 1977. ''Models of Discovery : and other topics in the methods of science''. Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel.
* 1979. ''Models of Thought, Vols. 1 and 2''. Yale University Press. His papers on human information-processing and problem-solving.
* 1982. ''Models of Bounded Rationality, Vols. 1 and 2''. MIT Press. His papers on economics.
* 1983. ''Reason in Human Affairs'', Stanford University Press. A readable 115pp. book on human decision-making and information processing, based on lectures he gave at Stanford in 1982. A popular presentation of his technical work.
* 1991. ''Models of My Life''. Basic Books, Sloan Foundation Series. His autobiography.
* 1996. ''The Sciences of the Artificial'', 3rd ed. MIT Press.
* 1987 (with P. Langley, G. Bradshaw, and J. Zytkow). ''Scientific Discovery: computational explorations of the creative processes''. MIT Press.
* 1997. ''An Empirically Based Microeconomics''. Cambridge University Press. A compact and readable summary of his criticisms of conventional "axiomatic" microeconomics, based on a lecture series.
* 1997. ''Models of Bounded Rationality, Vol. 3''. MIT Press.
* Courtois, P.J., 1977. ''Decomposability: queueing and computer system applications''. New York: Academic Press.
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