Full HD: Разлика между версии

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Ред 1:
[[Файл:Definitions_of_TV_standards.jpg|thumb|TV стандарти до 1080p]]
Разделителната способност на екрана тук отговаря на минималните изисквания за HD Ready телевизори с добавката на 1920 x 1080 пиксела. Възпроизвежда се съдържание във формат 1080i и 1080p без изкривявания, което означава, че можете да изберете по-голям екран от този на сегашния ви телевизор (дори стаята ви да не е чак толкова голяма). По-фината детайлност означава, че можете да седите по-близо до по-голям телевизионен екран, без да виждате отделните пиксели, тоест, можете да се наслаждавате пълноценно на домашните забавления от следващото поколение. В допълнение към това, емблемата HD Ready 1080p гарантира, че съдържанието може да се възпроизвежда с честота 24 Hz (24 кадъра в секунда), както и с 50 Hz и 60 Hz (напр. DVD)<span class="cx-segment" data-segmentid="16"></span>
== Стандарти на излъчване ==
[[Файл:Progressive_scan_hdtv.svg|right|thumb|1080p HDTV]]
В момента няма единен световен стандарт за цифрова телевизия, а очевидно
няма и да има. Както при аналоговата телевизия (системите NTSC, PAL и
SECAM), така и при цифровата телевизия в различните държави по света са
приети различни стандарти. Трите най-разпространените и използвани
стандарти са следните: DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) – в Европа,
Австралия и части от Азия, Южна Америка и Африка; ATSC (Advanced
Television Systems Committee) – Северна Америка (САЩ и Канада), Южна
Корея и части от Централна Америка; ISDB (Integrated Services Digital
Broadcasting) – Япония и Бразилия.
=== '''ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee)''' ===
Това е набор от стандарти, разработен от Комитета за напреднали
телевизионни системи за дигитално излъчване чрез земни, кабелни и
сателитни мрежи. ATSC е разработен още в началото на 1990 г. от
консорциум (съставен от телекомуникационни компании и фирми, занимаващи
се с електроника), познат като Grand Alliance, чиито спецификации
понастоящем са известни с популярната абревиатура HDTV. Освен че ATSC
възпроизвежда Full HD широкоекранна картина, стандартът е достатъчно
гъвкав да позволява излъчването на по-ниски резолюции, всъщност до 6
стандартни "подканала"„подканала“, използвайки единичен 6MHz телевизионен канал.
Като стандарт на бъдещето, ATSC поддържа 5.1-канален съраунд звук,
използвайки AC-3 формата на Dolby Digital. В много аспекти ATSC борави с
патенти, включително с елементи на MPEG видеокодиране, AC-3 аудио
кодиране и 8VSB модулация.
Дигиталният ATSC стандарт започна да
измества аналоговия NTSC в САЩ през лятото на 2009 г., като миграцията
ще стартира през 2011-а в Канада, в края на 2015 г. - – в Мексико, а до
2020-а се очаква да покрие почти всички части от Северна и Южна Америка.
Любопитно е, че ATSC е съвместим с
европейските DVB-T (стандарта, който в България трябва да навлезе масово
от 2012 г.) и ISDB-T.
=== DVB ===
При Европейската система DVB, която се използва и у нас, има няколко
различни типа цифрови телевизии, в зависимост от начина на пренасяне на
телевизионните сигнали. Основните от тях са DVB-T (от ТerrestrialTerrestrial
наземен) за наземно (ефирно) разпространявана цифрова телевизия, DVB-C
(от Cable – кабелен) за кабелна цифрова телевизия и DVB-S (от Satellite –
сателитен) за сателитна цифрова телевизия. Европейският стандартизиращ
институт за телекомуникации ETSI (European Telecommunications
Standartisation Institute) ги е превърнал в европейски норми още през
1994 година (DVB-C и DVB-S) и през 1996 година (DVB-T). У нас вече се
използват и трите типа цифрови телевизии, като перспективата е буквално в
близките месеци и години употребата им рязко да нарасне – по-подробно
за това по-долу. Непрекъснато се приемат чисто технологични корекции,
като се появяват нови версии на гореспоменатите стандарти, например
DVB-S2 за HD сигнали, както и стандарти за нови типове телевизия,
например DVB-H за цифрова телевизия за мобилни телефони, но те все още
не широко разпространени, така че основните си остават трите изброени
разновидности DVB-C, DVB-S и DVB-T.
== Availability ==
[[Файл:Vector_Video_Standards2.svg|thumb|This chart shows the most common display resolutions, 16:9 formats shown in blue.]]
=== Broadcasts ===
In the United States, 1080p over-the-air broadcasts still do not exist as of October 2015; all major networks use either 720p60 or 1080i60 encoded with MPEG-2. However, satellite services (e.g., DirecTV, XstreamHD and Dish Network) utilize the 1080p/24-30 format with MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 encoding for [[pay-per-view]] movies that are downloaded in advance via satellite or on-demand via broadband. At this time, ''no pay service channel'' such as USA, HDNET, etc. nor premium movie channel such as HBO, etc., stream their services live to their distributors (MVPD) in this format because many MVPDs, especially DBS and cable, do not have sufficient bandwidth to provide the format streaming live to their subscribers without negatively impacting their current services. In addition is the high "cost" of using more bandwidth for one 1080p/24 channel than that necessary for a 1080i or even a 720p channel and for only those relatively few subscribers who have HDTV devices that can display 1080p/24 being an efficient use of their limited bandwidth.
For material that originates from a progressive scanned 24 frame/s source (such as film), MPEG-2 lets the video be coded as 1080p24, irrespective of the final output format. These progressively-coded frames are tagged with metadata (literally, fields of the PICTURE header) instructing a decoder how to perform a 3:2 pulldown to interlace them. While the formal output of the MPEG-2 decoding process from such stations is 1080i60, the actual content is coded as 1080p24 and can be viewed as such (using a process known as inverse telecine) since no information is lost even when the broadcaster performs the 3:2 pulldown.<ref>{{Шаблон:Цитат уеб|url = http://www.doom9.org/ivtc-tut.htm|title = Force Film, IVTC, and Deinterlacing – what is DVD2AVI trying to tell you and what can you do about it|publisher = Doom9.org|date = 18 April 2003|accessdate = 24 August 2011|archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20110718065149/http://www.doom9.org/ivtc-tut.htm|archivedate = 18 July 2011 <!--Added by DASHBot-->}}</ref>
=== Blu-ray Disc ===
[[Blu-ray диск|Blu-ray Discs]] are able to hold 1080p HD content, and most movies released on [[Blu-ray диск|Blu-ray Disc]] produce a full 1080p HD picture when the player is connected to a 1080p [[HDTV]] via an [[HDMI]] cable. The Blu-ray Disc video specification allows encoding of 1080p23.976, 1080p24, 1080i50, and 1080i59.94. Generally this type of video runs at 30 to 40 megabits per second, compared to the 3.5 megabits per second for conventional standard definition broadcasts.<ref>{{Шаблон:Цитат уеб|url = http://www.blu-raydisc.com/Assets/Downloadablefile/2b_bdrom_audiovisualapplication_0305-12955-15269.pdf|title = White paper, Blu-ray Disc Format, 2.B Audio Visual Application Format Specifications for BD-ROM|date = May 2005|author = Blu-ray Disc Association|accessdate = 28 September 2009|archiveurl = http://www.webcitation.org/5kCUWk7gS|archivedate = 1 October 2009|deadurl = no}}</ref>
=== Smartphones ===
[[Смартфон|Smartphones]] with 1080p FullHD display have been available on the market since 2012. As of the end of 2014, it is the standard for mid to high end smartphones and many of the flagship devices of 2014 used even higher resolutions.
=== Internet content ===
Several websites, including [[Ютюб|YouTube]], allow videos to be uploaded in the 1080p format. YouTube streams 1080p content at approximately 4 megabits per second<ref>{{Шаблон:Цитат уеб|last = Ou|first = George|url = http://www.digitalsociety.org/2009/11/youtube-will-support-1080p-3-7-mbps-next-week/|title = YouTube Will Support 1080p 3.7 Mbps Next Week|publisher = digital society.org|date = 2009-11-13|accessdate = 2014-08-28}}</ref> compared to Blu-ray's 30 to 40 megabits per second. Digital distribution services also deliver 1080p content, such as movies available on Blu-ray Disc and/or from broadcast sources. This can include distribution services like peer-to-peer websites and public or private tracking networks.
Netflix has been offering ''SuperHD'' content in the US and other countries through select internet providers since 2013.<ref>{{Шаблон:Цитат уеб|last = Lawler|first = Richard|url = http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/08/netflix-super-hd-3d-streaming/|title = Netflix launches 'Super HD' and 3D streaming - but only through certain ISPs|publisher = Engadget.com|date = 2013-01-08|accessdate = 2014-02-10}}</ref>
=== Consumer televisions and projectors ===
As of 2012, most consumer televisions being sold provide 1080p inputs, mainly via [[HDMI]], and support full high-definition resolutions. 1080p resolution is available in all types of television, including [[Плазмен дисплей|plasma]], LCD, DLP front and rear projection and LCD projection.
For displaying film-based 1080i60 signals, a scheme called 3:2 pulldown reversal (reverse telecine) is beginning to appear in some newer 1080p displays, which can produce a true 1080p quality image from film-based 1080i60 programs. Similarly, 25fps content broadcast at 1080i50 may be deinterlaced to 1080p content with no loss of quality or resolution.
AV equipment manufacturers have adopted the term ''Full HD'' to mean a set can display all available HD resolutions up to 1080p. The term is misleading, however, because it does not guarantee the set is capable of rendering digital video at all frame rates encoded in source files with 1080 pixel vertical resolution. Most notably, a "Full HD" set is not guaranteed to support the 1080p24 format, leading to consumer confusion.<ref>{{Шаблон:Цитат уеб|last1 = White|first1 = Charlie|title = Full HD and HD1080: What's the Diff?|url = http://gizmodo.com/227000/full-hd-and-hd1080-whats-the-diff|publisher = Gizmodo|accessdate = 9 June 2014|date = Jan 8, 2007}}</ref><ref>{{Шаблон:Cite news|last1 = Twist|first1 = Jo|title = Confusion over high-definition TV|url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4361543.stm|accessdate = 9 June 2014|publisher = BBC News|date = March 21, 2005}}</ref><ref>{{Шаблон:Cite journal|title = HDTV Formats|journal = Technical Report|date = February 2010|volume = 005|page = 13|url = https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/techreports/tr005.pdf|publisher = EBU TECHNICAL|location = Geneva|format = Information Paper}}</ref>
DigitalEurope (formerly EICTA) maintains the HD ready 1080p logo program that requires the certified TV sets to support 1080p24, 1080p50, and 1080p60, without overscan/underscan and picture distortion.
=== Computer monitors ===
Most widescreen [[Електроннолъчева тръба|cathode ray tube]] (CRT) and [[Течнокристален дисплей|liquid crystal display]] (LCD) monitors can natively display 1080p content. For example, widescreen WUXGA monitors support 1920x1200 resolution, which can display a pixel for pixel reproduction of the 1080p (1920x1080) format. Additionally, many 23, 24, and {{Шаблон:Convert|27|in|mm|sing = on}} widescreen LCD monitors use 1920x1200 as their native resolution; 30&nbsp;inch displays can display beyond 1080p at up to 2560x1600 (1600p). Many 27" monitors have native resolutions of 2560x1440 and hence operate at 1440p.
=== Video game consoles ===
Video game consoles such as [[Сони|Sony]]'s [[PlayStation 3]], [[Майкрософт|Microsoft]]'s [[Xbox 360]] and [[Нинтендо|Nintendo]]'s Wii U, as well as microconsoles like OUYA, GameStick and Nvidia Shield can display upscaled games and video content in 1080p, although the vast majority of games are rendered at lower resolutions.<ref name="Joystiq">{{Шаблон:Цитат уеб|last = Gilbert|first = Ben|title = Wii U is 1080p; has HDMI out, internal flash memory, SD and USB storage support|url = http://wiiudaily.com/2012/06/wii-u-games-run-in-720p/|work = WiiUDaily|publisher = WiiUDaily|accessdate = 28 November 2012}}</ref> For all of the consoles, this is done through HDMI connections (in the case of the Xbox 360, HDMI is only available on consoles manufactured after June 2007). Additionally, the upscaled 1080p video is available on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 via an analog component/D-Terminal (YP<sub>B</sub>P<sub>R</sub>) connection,{{Шаблон:Справка|ConsoleComponent1080p|†}}{{Шаблон:Справка|Component1080pSupport|‡}} as well as the VGA connection on the Xbox 360. On the PlayStation 3, developers must provide specific resolution support at the software level as there is no hardware upscaling support, whereas on the Xbox 360 games can be upscaled using a built in hardware scaler chip. However, most games on both consoles do not run at a native 1080p resolution.
The Wii U, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 provide 1080p video services. Sony provides both the PlayStation Store VOD service and [[Blu-ray диск|Blu-ray Disc]] playback.<ref>{{Шаблон:Citation|url = http://www.us.playstation.com/psn/store/about/MoviesTV|publisher = PlayStation|title = Movies & TV}}<sup class="noprint Inline-Template" contenteditable="false">&#x5B;''<span title=" since August 2015">dead link</span>''&#x5D;</sup></ref><ref>{{Шаблон:Citation|url = http://www.us.playstation.com/PS3/Features/BluRayMovies|publisher = PlayStation|title = Blu-ray Disc Movies}}<sup class="noprint Inline-Template" contenteditable="false">&#x5B;''<span title=" since August 2015">dead link</span>''&#x5D;</sup></ref> Microsoft provides the Zune Video Marketplace for "instant on" 1080p{{Шаблон:Справка|ConsoleComponent1080p|†}} video content but does not have Blu-ray disc playback capability. It does however support the now-defunct [[HD DVD]] disc standard via the Xbox 360 HD DVD Player add-on. Both consoles also offer support for streaming 1080p{{Шаблон:Справка|ConsoleComponent1080p|†}} content in various formats over home network from other computers, and also via USB connection to external storage devices.
<small>{{Шаблон:Бележка|ConsoleComponent1080p|†}} Due to potential copyright issues, when an analog component connection is used, only system menus and gameplay are available in 1080p; video content is displayed at a lower resolution or in 1080i.<br>
{{Шаблон:Бележка|Component1080pSupport|‡}} While 1080p analog component output is supported by the consoles, some display hardware will only accept component connections up to 1080i.</small>
=== Camcorders and cameras ===
Many consumer [[Видеокамера|camcorders]], professional video and DSLR cameras, and [[Смартфон|smartphones]] can capture 1080p24, 1080p25, or 1080p30 video, often encoding it in progressive segmented frame format.
== Вижте също ==
{{commonscat|HD 1080}}
* List of common resolutions
* 4320p, 2160p, 1440p, 1080i, 720p, 576p, 576i, 480p, 480i, 360p, 240p
* Progressive segmented frame
* [[HDTV|High-definition television]]
* HD Ready 1080p
* [[Разделителна способност (монитор)|Display resolution]]
== РеференцииБележки ==
{{Reflist|colwidth = 30em}}
== Външни връзкипрепратки ==
* [http://www.audioholics.com/education/display-formats-technology/1080p-and-the-acuity-of-human-vision 1080p and the Acuity of Human Vision] Audioholics Home Theater Magazine. 2 Aprilаприл 2007.
* [http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/technical-articles-and-editorials/technical-articles-and-editorials/high-definition-1080p-tv-why-you-should-be-concerned.html High Definition 1080p TV: Why You Should Be Concerned]. Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity. 28 Februaryфевруари 2007.
* [http://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3299.pdf High Definition (HD) Image Formats for Television Production] ([[Европейски съюз за радио и телевизия|EBU]] technical publication). DecemberДекември 2004.
{{Превод от|en|1080p|686989056}}
[[Категория:Медийни формати]]
* [http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/technical-articles-and-editorials/technical-articles-and-editorials/high-definition-1080p-tv-why-you-should-be-concerned.html High Definition 1080p TV: Why You Should Be Concerned]. Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity. 28 February 2007.
* [http://editorials.teamxbox.com/xbox/1544/The-Facts-and-Fiction-of-1080p/p1/ The Facts and Fiction of 1080p]<sup class="noprint Inline-Template" contenteditable="false">&#x5B;''[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://web.archive.org/web/20140302111409/http://editorials.teamxbox.com/xbox/1544/The-Facts-and-Fiction-of-1080p/p1/ <span title=" since June 2015">dead link</span>][http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://web.archive.org/web/20140302111409/http://editorials.teamxbox.com/xbox/1544/The-Facts-and-Fiction-of-1080p/p1/]''&#x5D;</sup>. 17 April 2006.
* [http://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3299.pdf High Definition (HD) Image Formats for Television Production] ([[Европейски съюз за радио и телевизия|EBU]] technical publication). December 2004.