Оногури: Разлика между версии

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м Премахнати редакции на (б.), към версия на Алиса Селезньова
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Ред 1:
[[Файл:NE 600ad.jpg|дясно|thumb|300px|Европа ок. [[600]] г. и оногурите]]
'''Оногурите''' ({{lang-grc|’Ονόγουροι, ’Ονογούρων)}}, ''Onoguroi'', ''Onoguri, Onogurs, Oghours, (Bulgar) Utigurs'', ''bulgarus, bulgarius ou voulgarios'', ''Hunugur/Onogur/Unogur''; ''Patria Onoguria'') са прабългарски племена.<ref>"The World of the Huns", Otto Maenchen-Helfen, page 419 : " ... Hunnic Onoguri...", also pages: 297, 432, 441 https://books.google.hr/books?id=CrUdgzSICxcC&pg=PA419&dq=onogur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAzgoahUKEwistou42ZPJAhWGWiwKHUbUDxI#v=onepage&q=onogur&f=false</ref><ref> "The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe", Hyun Jin Kim, 2013, p. 141, :"Utigurs, Kutrigurs and Onogurs were in all likelihood identical with the Bulgars", p. 256 :" Thus in our sources the names Kutrigur, Bulgar and Hun are used interchangeably and refer in all probability not to separate groups but one group." https://books.google.hr/books?id=jCpncXFzoFgC&q=utigurs#v=onepage&q=Kutrigurs&f=false</ref><ref>"The Early Medieval Balkans ", John Van Antwerp Fine, page 66 : " Meanwhile in the Steppes and the region around the Sea of Azov dwelled the Onogur Bulgars. They were seminomadic, ethnically mixed people under a Bulgar chief. According to their traditions their ruling family, known as the house of Dulo, was descended from Attila the Hun. Though scholars have advanced many theories, the origin and meaning of the name Dulo remain obscure. In 635 the Onogur chief Kovrat led a revolt against the Avars which succeededin driving them from his landsand putting an end to Avar suzerainty over the Onogurs. He soon united under his own rule the various Bulgar groups living north of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and the Caucasus." https://books.google.hr/books?id=Y0NBxG9Id58C&pg=PA66&dq=onogur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB8Q6AEwATgoahUKEwistou42ZPJAhWGWiwKHUbUDxI#v=onepage&q=onogur&f=false</ref><ref>. "Byzantium: The Imperial Centuries", Romilly James Heald Jenkins, page 45 : " The Bulgarians seem to have been in origin Huns, who may well have formed part, and survived as a rump, of the hordes of Attila in the fifth century. ... the so called Onogur Bulgarians are found in large numbers somewhere between the Kuban and the Volga rivers..." https://books.google.hr/books?id=O5JqH_NXQBsC&pg=PA45&dq=onogur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDAQ6AEwBDgoahUKEwistou42ZPJAhWGWiwKHUbUDxI#v=onepage&q=onogur&f=false</ref><ref>"Encyclopedia of the Byzantine Empire", Jennifer Lawler, page 76, https://books.google.bg/books?id=sEWeCQAAQBAJ&pg=PA76&dq=onogur+bulgar&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=onogur%20bulgar&f=false</ref><ref>"Byzantium in the Seventh Century", J. F. Haldon, page 47, 66: "...Onogur Huns or Bulgars...", https://books.google.bg/books?id=pSHmT1G_5T0C&pg=PA66&dq=onogur+bulgar&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=onogur%20bulgar&f=false</ref><ref>"Attila and the Nomad Hordes", David Nicolle, page 28, https://books.google.bg/books?id=in-Wrvm0oggC&pg=PA28&dq=onogur+bulgar&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=onogur%20&f=false</ref><ref>The Cambridge Medieval History: The Byzantine Empire, Joan Mervyn Hussey, pages 483-485, https://books.google.bg/books?id=fkpgeuIaDGEC&q=onogur+bulgar&dq=onogur+bulgar&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y</ref><ref>Attila the Hun, Nic Fields, page 47, https://books.google.bg/books?id=rxBaCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA47&dq=onogur+bulgar&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=onogur%20bulgar&f=false</ref> Оногурите се споменават във византийски, сирийски и арменски източници. Те установяват дипломатически връзки с [[Източна Римска империя|Източната Римска империя]] и предприемат походи на юг от Кавказ срещу [[колхи]], [[Армения|арменци]] и [[иран]]ци. Има сведения и за разпространение на [[християнство]]то сред оногурите, включително за съществуването на оногурска епископия.<ref>{{cite book | last = Рашев | first = Рашо | authorlink = Рашо Рашев | title = Прабългарите през V-VII век | edition = Трето издание | year = 2005 | publisher = Орбел | location = София | isbn = 954-496-073-2 | pages = 35-36}}</ref>
== Източници ==