Реформи на Ататюрк: Разлика между версии

Изтрито е съдържание Добавено е съдържание
Ред 166:
Законът за единното национално образование (3 март 1924) предвижда първата група да бъде закрита, втората да се развие и обедини с третата под общото ръководство на Министерство на образованието. Една от основните му цели е да прехвърли образованието изяло на светска основа:<ref name="education">{{cite web |url=http://www.meb.gov.tr/Stats/apk2001ing/Section_3/1TransformationMotivated.htm| title=Education since republic| publisher= Ministry of National Education (Turkey)| accessdate=2007-01-01 }}</ref>
==== ДвижениеКампания запо ограмотяване (Millet Mektepleri) ====
През ноември 1928 г. се предприемат мерки за задължително ограмотяване със специална директива, която задължава всеки труски гражданин между 16 и 30 години да участва в кампанията по ограмотяване ''Училища за нацията'' ({{lang-tr|Millet mektepleri}}). Самият Ататюрк се включва активно в кампанията и пътува из страната, за да пропагандира грамотността и новата турска азбука.
<!-- Before the adoption of the new alphabet a pilot program had been established with 3304 class units around Turkey, awarding a total of 64,302 certificates. This program was declared to be unsuccessful and a new organization was proposed which would be used in the drive to introduce the new alphabet.<ref name=bozkurt>[http://deu.mitosweb.com/browse/47125/07-%2520ibrahim%2520Bozkurt.pdf İbrahim Bozkurt, Birgül Bozkurt, '''Yeni Alfabenin Kabülü Sonrası Mersin’de Açılan Millet Mektepleri ve Çalışmaları''', ''Çağdaş Türkiye Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt: VIII, Sayı: 18-19, Yıl: 2009, Bahar-Güz'']</ref> The name of the new organization which would be used in the literacy drive was "[[Millet mektepleri]]".
Като част от кампанията са открити 20 487 курса, посетени от над 1 милион души, но през първата година само 597 010 получават грамоти за завършване. Кампанията трае три години, но страда от недостатъчно финансиране поради Голямата депресия. В крайна сметка революцията в образованието е успешна и само за 10 години процентът на грамотност нараства от 9 до 33%<ref name=bozkurt>[http://deu.mitosweb.com/browse/47125/07-%2520ibrahim%2520Bozkurt.pdf İbrahim Bozkurt, Birgül Bozkurt, '''Yeni Alfabenin Kabülü Sonrası Mersin’de Açılan Millet Mektepleri ve Çalışmaları''', ''Çağdaş Türkiye Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt: VIII, Sayı: 18-19, Yıl: 2009, Bahar-Güz'']</ref>.
National Education Minister [[Mustafa Necati]] Bey passed the "National Schools Directive" (Directive) 7284 dated 11 November 1928, which stated that every Turkish citizen ''between the ages of 16-30'' (only primary education had been made mandatory at the time) had to join the Millet Mektepleri and this was mandatory. It was also noted that it would be in two stages. Atatürk became the General Chairman of the initial (group I) schools and became the "principal tutor" of 52 schools (teacher training schools) around the country, teaching, course requirements, the money for the provision of classrooms, the use of the media for propaganda purposes, the documents of those schools were successfully established.<ref name=bozkurt/> The active encouragement of people by Atatürk himself, with many trips to the countryside teaching the new alphabet, was successful, which lead to the second stage.
In the first year of the second stage (1928), 20,487 classrooms were opened; 1,075,500 people attended these schools, but only 597,010 received the final certificate. Due to the global economic crisis ([[Great Depression]]) there was insufficient funding and the drive lasted only three years and 1 ½ million certificates were presented. The total population of Turkey in this period was less than 10 million, which included the mandatory primary education age pupils who were not covered by this certificate.<ref name=bozkurt/> Eventually, the education revolution was successful, as the literacy rate rose from 9% to 33% in just 10 years. -->
==== Нова азбука ====
TheСъществена adoptionчаст ofот theпрограмата Latinза alphabetмодернизация andна theобразованието purgingе ofприемането foreignна loanлатинската wordsазбука wasи partпрочистването ofна Atatürk'sчуждите programдуми ofот modernization.езика<ref name="nafi">Nafi Yalın. ''The Turkish language reform: a unique case of language planning in the world'', Bilim dergisi 2002 Vol.&nbsp;3 page 9.</ref> The two important features were sought, which were the democratization and activate secularism.
Писането на турски език в продължение на векове ставало с турска форма на персийско-арабската писменост
Turkish was written using [[Ottoman Turkish script|a Turkish form]] of the [[Perso-Arabic script]] for a thousand years. It was well suited to write [[Ottoman Turkish language|Ottoman Turkish]] which incorporated a great deal of Arabic and Persian vocabulary. However, it was claimed to be poorly suited to the Turkish part of the vocabulary. Whereas Arabic is rich in consonants but poor in vowels, Turkish is exactly the opposite. It was thus inadequate at representing Turkish phonemes. Some could be expressed using four different Arabic signs; others could not be expressed at all. The introduction of the telegraph and printing press in the 19th century exposed further weaknesses in the Arabic script.<ref name="Zürcher-188">Zürcher, Erik Jan. ''Turkey: a modern history'', p. 188. I.B.Tauris, 2004. ISBN 978-1-85043-399-6</ref>
Line 202 ⟶ 201:
Atatürk himself was personally involved with the commission and proclaimed an "alphabet mobilisation" to publicise the changes. In 1926 the Turkic republics of the [[Soviet Union]] adopted the Latin script, giving a major boost to reformers in Turkey.<ref name="Zürcher-188" /> On 1&nbsp;November 1928, the new [[Turkish alphabet]] was introduced by the ''Language Commission'' at the initiative of Atatürk, replacing the previously used Perso-Arabic script. The Language Commission proposed a five-year transition period; Atatürk saw this as far too long and reduced it to three months.<ref>Gürçağlar, p.&nbsp;55</ref> The change was formalized by the Turkish Republic's law number 1353, the ''Law on the Adoption and Implementation of the Turkish Alphabet'',<ref name=kanun1353>{{cite web |title= Tūrk Harflerinin Kabul ve Tatbiki Hakkında Kanun|language=Turkish|url= http://www.idealhukuk.com/hukuk/hukuk.asp?mct=mevzuatdetay&x=kanun&y=Kanunlar&id=910&h=t&tit=T%C3%9CRK%20HARFLER%C4%B0N%C4%B0N%20KABUL%20VE%20TATB%C4%B0K%C4%B0%20HAKKINDA%20KANUN}}</ref> passed on 1 November 1928. The law went into effect from 1 January 1929, making the use of the new alphabet compulsory in all public communications.<ref name="Zürcher-189" />
The removal of Arabic script was defended on the ground that it was not appropriate for the authentic [[Turkish phonology]], which needs a new set of symbols to be correctly represented.<ref name="nafi"/> -->
<!-- ==== Copyright law and Press ====
The literacy reform was supported by strengthening the private publishing sector with a new ''Law on Copyrights'' and congresses for discussing the issues of copyright, public education and scientific publishing.
Line 224 ⟶ 223:
Şerif Mardin has noted that "Atatürk imposed the mandatory Latin alphabet in order to promote the national awareness of the Turks against a wider Muslim identity. It is also imperative to add that he hoped to relate Turkish nationalism to the modern civilization of Western Europe, which embraced the Latin alphabet."<ref>Cited by Güven, İsmail in "Education and Islam in Turkey". ''Education in Turkey'', p. 177. Eds. Nohl, Arnd-Michael; Akkoyunlu-Wigley, Arzu; Wigley, Simon. Waxmann Verlag, 2008. ISBN 978-3-8309-2069-4</ref>
The explicitly nationalistic and ideological character of the alphabet reform was illustrated by the booklets issued by the government to teach the population the new script. It included sample phrases aimed at discrediting the Ottoman government and instilling updated "Turkish" values, such as: ''"Atatürk allied himself with the nation and drove the sultans out of the homeland"''; ''"Taxes are spent for the common properties of the nation. Tax is a debt we need to pay"''; ''"It is the duty of every Turk to defend the homeland against the enemies."'' The alphabet reform was promoted as redeeming the Turkish people from the neglect of the Ottoman rulers: ''"Sultans did not think of the public, Ghazi commander [Atatürk] saved the nation from enemies and slavery. And now, he declared a campaign against ignorance. He armed the nation with the new Turkish alphabet."'' <ref>Güven, pp. 180-81</ref> -->
<!-- * Реформи в обществения живот: