Битка при Гетисбърг: Разлика между версии

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Ред 16:
|сила1 = 93 921<ref name=BM125>Busey and Martin, с. 125: „Engaged strength“ at the battle was 93,921.</ref>
|сила2 = 71 699<ref name=BM260>Busey and Martin, с. 260, state that „engaged strength“ at the battle was 71,699; McPherson, с. 648, lists the strength at the start of the campaign as 75,000.</ref>
|жертви1 = 23 055<br>(3155 убити,<br>14 531 ранени,<br>5369 пленени/изчезнали)<ref name=Ucasualties>Busey and Martin, с. 125.</ref></div>
|жертви2 = 23 231<br>(4708 убити,<br>12 693 ранени,<br>5830 пленени/изчезнали)<ref name=Casualties>Busey and Martin, с. 260. See the section on [[#Жертви|жертви]] for a discussion of alternative Confederate casualty estimates, which have been cited as high as 28,000.</ref>