Никола Тесла: Разлика между версии

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Ред 162:
== Бележки ==
<references />
== Източници ==
* {{cite book | last = Cheney | first = Margaret | coauthors = Robert Uth, Jim Glenn | year = 1999 | title = Tesla, Master of Lightning | publisher = Barnes & Noble Publishing | isbn = 0760710058 | ref = harv}}
* {{cite book |last= Cheney |first= Margaret |title= Tesla: Man Out of Time |origyear= 1979 |url= http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0743215362&id=ti2Jt7XarzMC |accessdate= 2007-06-17 |year= 2001 |publisher= Simon and Schuster |isbn= 0743215362 | ref = harv}}
* {{cite book | last = Samardžić | first = Obrad Mićov | year = 1992 | title = Porijeklo Samardžića i ostalih bratstava roda Orlovića | location = Mostar | isbn = 86-82271-53-2 | ref = harv}}
* {{cite book | last = Seifer | first = Marc | year = 1996 | title = Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla; Biography of a Genius | publisher = Carol Publishing Group | location = Secaucus | ref = harv}}
* {{cite book | last = Tesla | first = Nikola | coauthors = David H. Childress | year = 1993 | title = The fantastic inventions of Nikola Tesla | publisher = Adventures Unlimited Press | isbn = 0932813194 | ref = harv}}
* {{cite book | last = Walker | first = E. H | year = 1900 | title = Leaders of the 19th century with some noted characters of earlier times, their efforts and achievements in advancing human progress vividly portrayed for the guidance of present and future generations | publisher = A.B. Kuhlman | location = Chicago | ref = harv}}
* {{cite book | last = Wohinz | first = Josef W. (Ed.) | title = Nikola Tesla und die Technik in Graz | publisher = Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz | year = 2006 | location = Graz, Austria | isbn = 978-3-902465-39-9 | ref = harv}}
* {{cite journal |last= Wysock |first= W.C |coauthors= J.F. Corum, J.M. Hardesty, K.L. Corum |title= Who Was The Real Dr. Nikola Tesla? (A Look At His Professional Credentials) |journal= Antenna Measurement Techniques Association, posterpape |date= 22 October 2001 | year = 2001 | url= http://www.ttr.com/Who%20Was%20Dr%20Tesla.pdf |format=PDF | ref = harv}}
== Външни препратки ==
{{commons|Nikola Tesla}}
* [http://www.teslasociety.com Общество на Тесла]
* [http://www.tesla-museum.org Музей на Никола Тесла]
* [http://issuu.com/ericm814/docs/complete_patents_nikola_tesla Пълен списък с патентите на Тесла]
* [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5482181856645568130# Документален филм за Тесла]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DDZioYKdYFQ#t=716 Никола Тесла – Властелинът на света]
* [http://vbox7.com/play:a27e25a8 Феномен: Изгубените Архиви – Тайните на Никола Тесла част 1]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoY_7mbm5ng Документален филм за Тесла (English)]
* [http://www2.timesreview.com/SUN/stories/S121109_Tesla_psh Открадната възпоменателна плоча]
* [http://old.inrne.bas.bg/wop/ARCHIVE/wop_3_2009/tesla.pdf Статия от сп. „Светът на физиката“]
{{Портал Сърбия}}
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