Тимуриди: Разлика между версии

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Ред 84:
== Култура и политическа уредба ==
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Макар и от племенен тюрко-монголски произход, тимуридите бързо възприемат персийската култура.<ref name="Iranica">{{cite encyclopedia | last = Lehmann | first = F. | encyclopedia = Encyclopædia Iranica | title = Zaher ud-Din Babor – Founder of Mughal empire | url = http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/babor-zahir-al-din | accessdate = 2012-09-17 | edition = Online | publisher = [[Columbia University]] Center for Iranian (Persian) Studies | location = Ню Йорк | pages = 320 – 323 | quote = "...&nbsp;''His origin, milieu, training, and culture were steeped in Persian culture and so Babor was largely responsible for the fostering of this culture by his descendants, the Mughals of India, and for the expansion of Persian cultural influence in the Indian subcontinent, with brilliant literary, artistic, and historiographical results'' ..."}}</ref> Държавната структура обаче е нестройна, като военните дела са поверени на тюрко-монголските етноси, а административните – на персийците. Първоначално се използва чагатайския език, а държавното управление е сходно с това на степната империя на Чингис хан.<ref>Babur, Emperor of Hindustan (2002). The Baburnama: Memoirs of Babur, Prince and Emperor. translated, edited and annotated by W.M. Thackston. Modern Library.</ref> Грамотното и градско население обаче използва персийския език в своите дела, и Тимур го налага активно в завладените от него земи.<ref>Gérard Chaliand, Nomadic Empires: From Mongolia to the Danube translated by A. M. Berrett, Transaction Publishers, 2004. pg 75</ref> [[Диван (учреждение)|Диванът]] използва персийския за всички официални документи, а писарите и администраторите трябва да знаят езика независимо от етническия си произход.<ref>Beatrice Forbes Manz. The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane. Cambridge University Press, 1999. pg 109: "...''In Temür's government, as in those of most nomad dynasties, it is impossible to find a clear distinction between civil and military affairs, or to identify the Persian bureaucracy solely civil, and the Turko-Mongolian solely with military government. It is in fact difficult to define the sphere of either side of the administration and we find Persians and Chaghatays sharing many tasks. (In discussiong the settled bureaucracy and the people who worked within it I use the word Persian in a cultural rather than ethnological sense. In almost all the territories which Temür incorporated into his realm Persian was the primary language of administration and literary culture. The language of the settled population and the chancery („diwan“) was Persian, and its scribes had to be thoroughly adept in Persian culture, whatever their ethnic origin.) Temür's Chaghatay emirs were often involved in civil and provincial administration and even in financial affairs, traditionally the province of Persian bureaucracy.''..."</ref>