СС: Разлика между версии

Изтрито е съдържание Добавено е съдържание
Редакция без резюме
Етикети: Редакция чрез мобилно устройство Редакция чрез мобилно приложение
м замяна на месец на бг.
Ред 326:
* {{cite book | last = Frusetta | first = James | editor1-last = Friedman | editor1-first = Jonathan C., ed. | editor1-link = Jonathan Friedman | title = The Routledge History of the Holocaust | chapter = The Final Solution in Southwestern Europe | pages = 264 – 276 | year = 2012 | publisher = Taylor & Francis | location = New York | isbn = 978-0-415-52087-4 | ref = harv}}
* {{cite book | last = Gerwarth | first = Robert | authorlink = Robert Gerwarth | year = 2011 | title = Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich | publisher = Yale University Press | location = New Haven, CT | isbn = 978-0-300-11575-8 | ref = harv }}
* {{cite web |last = Givhan | first = Robin | url = http://articles.latimes.com/1997/aug/15/news/ls-22533 | title = Clothier Made Nazi Uniforms | date = 15 August 1997 | work = [[Los Angeles Times]] | agency = The Washington Post | accessdate=20 Februaryфевруари 2016 | ref = harv}}
* {{cite web | last = Glantz | first = David | title = The Soviet‐German War 1941 – 45: Myths and Realities: A Survey Essay | publisher = Strom Thurmond Institute of Government and Public Affairs, [[Clemson University]] | format = PDF | date = 11 October 2001 | url = http://sti.clemson.edu/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&gid=189&Itemid=310 | ref = harv | deadurl = yes | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20150218155036/http://sti.clemson.edu/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&Itemid=310&gid=189 | archivedate = 18 February 2015 | df = dmy-all }}
* {{cite book | last = Gruner | first = Wolf | editor1-last = Friedman | editor1-first = Jonathan C. | editor1-link = Jonathan Friedman | title = The Routledge History of the Holocaust | chapter = Forced Labor in Nazi Anti-Jewish Policy, 1938 – 45 | pages = 168 – 180 | year = 2012 | publisher = Taylor & Francis | location = New York | isbn = 978-0-415-52087-4 | ref = harv}}
Взето от „https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/СС“.