Облак: Разлика между версии

Изтрито е съдържание Добавено е съдържание
м формат дати от англ. на български
м замяна на месец на бг.
Ред 150:
; Цитирани източници
* {{cite book | last = Ackerman | first = Steven A | year = 2011 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=N8Gwc-IXxbMC&pg=PA124 | title = Meteorology: Clouds and the Greenhouse Effect | publisher = Jones & Bartlett | isbn = 978-0-7637-8927-5 | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = American Meteorological Society | work = Glossary of Meteorology | year = 2009 | url = http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/search?p=1&query=radiational+cooling&submit=Search | title = Radiational cooling | accessdate = 27 Decemberдекември 2008 | deadurl = yes | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20110512161339/http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/search?p=1&query=radiational+cooling&submit=Search | archivedate = 12 Mayмай 2011 | df = dmy-all | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = atmos.uiuc.edu | work = Elementary Meteorology Online | year = 2013 | url = http://ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/%28Gh%29/guides/mtr/cld/dvlp/frnt.rxml/~wintelsw/MET1010LOL/chapter06/ | title = Lifting Along Frontal Boundaries | accessdate = 2015-03-20 | lang = en}}
* {{Cite journal | last = Cai | first = Wenju | coauthors = Peter Van Rensch, Tim Cowan | editor = American Meteorological Society | title = Subtropical Ridge | journal = Journal of Climate | volume = 24 | issue = 23 | pages = 6035 | year = 2011 | doi = 10.1175/2011JCLI4149.1 | bibcode = 2011JCli...24.6035C | lang = en}}
Ред 176:
* {{cite web | publisher = Weather Online | year = 2013 | url = http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/reports/wxfacts/Sometimes-a-bit-fishy.htm | title = Mackerel sky | accessdate = 2013-11-21 | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | last = Wei-hung | first = Leung | title = Meteorology Basics: Convergence and Divergence | year = 2010 | publisher = Hong Kong Observatory | url = http://www.hko.gov.hk/education/edu01met/wxphe/ele-condiv-e.htm | accessdate = 2014-12-08 | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | last = Williams | first = Jack | year = 1997 | title = Extratropical storms are major weather makers | date = 27 Juneюни 1997 | url = https://www.usatoday.com/weather/wstorm.htm | accessdate = 13 Marchмарт 2012 | work = USA Today | publisher = USA Today | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | publisher = World Meteorological Organization | title = International Cloud Atlas, preface to the 1939 edition | volume = I | year = 1975 | url = http://library.wmo.int/pmb_ged/wmo_407_en-v1.pdf | isbn = 978-92-63-10407-6 | accessdate = 2014-12-06 | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = World Meteorological Organization | title = Upper atmoospheric clouds, International Cloud Atlas | year = 2017 | url = https://cloudatlas.wmo.int/upper-atmospheric-clouds.html | accessdate = 2017-07-31 | lang = en}}