Велика китайска стена: Разлика между версии

Изтрито е съдържание Добавено е съдържание
м замяна на месец на бг.
Ред 121:
; Цитирани източници
* {{cite web | last = Baxter | first = William H | coauthors = et al. | url = http://ocbaxtersagart.lsait.lsa.umich.edu/BaxterSagartOCbyMandarinMC2014-09-20.pdf | title = Baxter–Sagart Old Chinese Reconstruction, Version 1.1 | publisher = University of Michigan | location = Ann Arbor | year = 2014 | date =20 September 20,септември 2014 | accessdate = 2015-01-22 | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = BBC | year = 2018 | url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8008108.stm | title = Great Wall of China 'even longer' | date =20 April 20,април 2009 | accessdate = 2009-04-20 | lang = en}}
* {{Cite book | last = Burbank | first = Jane | coauthors = Frederick Cooper | title = Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference | publisher = Princeton University Press | year = 2010 | location = Princeton, New Jersey | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | year = 2012 | url = http://www.cbc.ca/news/offbeat/story/2012/06/06/china-great-wall-longer.html | title = Great Wall of China even longer than previously thought | date =6 June 6,юни 2012 | accessdate = 2012-06-06 | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = Chiculture.net | work = Chiculture.net | year = 2010 | url = http://www.chiculture.net/1203/html/1203b04_01.html | title = 歷代王朝修長城 | accessdate = 2010-10-24 | lang = zh}}
* {{cite web | publisher = Encyclopædia Britannica | year = 2018 | url = http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/243863/Great-Wall-of-China | title = Great Wall of China | accessdate = 2018-06-23 | lang = en}}
* {{Cite web | last = Coonan | first = Clifford | year = 2012 | url = http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/world/2012/0227/1224312436539.html | title = British researcher discovers piece of Great Wall 'marooned outside China' | date =27 February 27,февруари 2012 | accessdate = 2012-02-28 | publisher = The Irish Times | work = irishtimes.com | lang = en}}
* {{Cite book | last = Evans | first = Thammy | publisher = Bradt Travel Guides | year = 2006 | isbn = 1-84162-158-7 | title = Great Wall of China: Beijing & Northern China | series = Bradt Travel Guide | lang = en}}
* {{Cite book | last = Haw | first = Stephen G | publisher = Psychology Press | year = 2006 | isbn = 0-415-34850-1 | title = Marco Polo's China: a Venetian in the realm of Khubilai Khan | series = Volume 3 of Routledge studies in the early history of Asia | lang = en}}
* {{Cite journal | last = Hessler | first = Peter | year = 2007 | title = Letter from China: Walking the Wall | journal = The New Yorker | issue = May 21, 2007 | pages = 58 – 67 | url = http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2007/05/21/070521fa_fact_hessler | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = History | year = 2009 | url = http://www.history.com/topics/great-wall-of-china | title = Great Wall of China | date =20 April 20,април 2009 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Lindesay | first = William | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=Y9p2JgBPMBwC&pg=PA21 | title = The Great Wall Revisited: From the Jade Gate to Old Dragon's Head | publisher = Wuzhou Publishing | location = Beijing | year = 2007 | isbn = 7-5085-1032-1 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Lovell | first = Julia | title = The Great Wall: China against the world 1000 BC – AD 2000 | publisher = Picador Pan Macmillan | location = Sydney | year = 2006 | isbn = 978-0-330-42241-3 | lang = en}}
* {{Cite web | publisher = lis.ly.gov.tw | work = lis.ly.gov.tw | url = http://lis.ly.gov.tw/lghtml/lawstat/version2/01926/0192618020200.htm | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20140425025351/http://lis.ly.gov.tw/lghtml/lawstat/version2/01926/0192618020200.htm | dead-url = yes | archive-date =25 April 25,април 2014 | title = 度量衡法(01926) | lang = zh}}
* {{cite web | publisher = Newsmth.net | work = Newsmth.net | year = 2010a | url = http://www.newsmth.net/bbsanc.php?path=%2Fgroups%2Fsci.faq%2FGeography%2F11%2FGeneral%2FM.1186373252.W0 | title = 古代长城 – 战争与和平的纽带 | accessdate = 2010-10-24 | lang = zh}}
* {{cite web | publisher = Newsmth.net | work = Newsmth.net | year = 2010b | url = http://www.newsmth.net/bbsanc.php?path=%2Fgroups%2Fsci.faq%2FGeography%2F11%2FGeneral%2FM.1186373660.W0 | title = 万里长城 | accessdate = 2010-10-24 | lang = zh}}