Религия: Разлика между версии

Изтрито е съдържание Добавено е съдържание
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Ред 130:
; Цитирани източници
* {{cite web | last = Britt | first = Robert Roy | year = 2009 | url = http://www.livescience.com/7689-women-religious-men.html | title = Women More Religious Than Men | work = livescience.com | publisher = TechMedia Network | accessdate = 2013-11-25 ноември 2013 | lang = en}}
* {{cite journal | last = Bulbulia | first = Joseph | year = 2005 | title = Are There Any Religions? An Evolutionary Explanation | journal = Method & Theory in the Study of Religion | volume = 17.2 | pages = 71 – 100 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Campbell | first = Joseph | year = 1991 | title = The Power of Myth | publisher = Anchor | isbn = 978-0385418867 | lang = en}}
Ред 138:
* {{cite book | last = Edelheit | first = Hershel | coauthors = Abraham J. Edelheit | year = 2000 | title = History of Zionism: A Handbook and Dictionary | publisher = Westview Press | url = http://www.questia.com/library/97523072/history-of-zionism-a-handbook-and-dictionary | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Geertz | first = Clifford | year = 1993 | title = The interpretation of cultures: selected essays | publisher = Fontana Press | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | last = Goldberg | first = Joshua A | year = 2009 | url = http://www.christianpost.com/news/new-poll-reveals-how-churchgoers-mix-eastern-new-age-beliefs-42215/ | title = New Poll Reveals How Churchgoers Mix Eastern, New Age Beliefs | work = christianpost.com | publisher = The Christian Post | accessdate = 2013-11-25 ноември 2013 | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | last = Harper | first = Douglas | year = 2013 | url = http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=religion | title = religion | work = etymonline.com | publisher = etymonline.com | accessdate = 2013-11-26 ноември 2013 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Harpur | first = Tom | year = 2004 | title = Pagan Christ: Recovering the lost light | publisher = Thomas Allen | isbn = 978-0887621451 | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = Hodder Education | year = 2011 | url = http://www.chambers.co.uk/search.php?query=religion&title=21st | title = religion | work = Chambers 21st Century Dictionary | accessdate = 2013-11-27 ноември 2013 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = James | first = W | year = 1902 | title = The Varieties of Religious Experience. A Study in Human Nature | publisher = Longmans, Green, and Co. | url = http://archive.org/details/varietiesreligi02jamegoog | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Kant | first = Immanuel | title = Religion and Rational Theology | year = 2001 | publisher = Cambridge University Press | isbn = 9780521799980 | lang = en}}
* {{cite journal | last = Kuroda | first = Toshio | year = 1996 | title = The Imperial Law and the Buddhist Law | journal = Japanese Journal of Religious Studies | volume = 23.3 – 4 | pages = 271 – 285 | url = http://web.archive.org/web/20030323095019/http://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/SHUBUNKEN/publications/jjrs/pdf/477.pdf | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Lash | first = Nicholas | year = 1996 | title = The beginning and the end of 'religion' | publisher = Cambridge University Press | isbn = 0521566355 | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | last = Lewis | first = Charlton T. | coauthors = Charles Short | year = 2013 | url = http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0059%3Aentry%3D%2340976 | title = rĕlĭgĭo | work = perseus.tufts.edu | publisher = perseus.tufts.edu | accessdate = 2013-11-26 ноември 2013 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Mase-Hasegawa | first = Emi | year = 2008 | title = Christ in Japanese Culture: Theological Themes in Shusaku Endo's Literary Works | publisher = Brill Academic Pub | isbn = 978-9004165960 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = McMullin | first = Neil | year = 1984 | title = Buddhism and the State in Sixteenth-Century Japan | publisher = Princeton University Press | location = Princeton | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = Merriam-Webster | year = 2013 | url = http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/religion | title = religion | work = merriam-webster.com | accessdate = 2013-11-27 ноември 2013 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Müller | first = Friedrich Max | year = 1870 | title = Introduction to the Science of Religion: Four Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution with Two Essays on False Analogies, and the Philosophy of Mythology | publisher = Longmans, Green | url = http://books.google.bg/books?pg=PA28&id=aM0FAAAAQAAJ&as_brr=4&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Müller | first = Max | year = 1889 | title = Natural Religion | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | last = Pecorino | first = Philip A | year = 2001 | url = http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/pecorip/scccweb/etexts/phil_of_religion_text/CHAPTER_10_DEFINITION/The-Definition-of-Religion.htm | title = Philosophy of Religion. Online Textbook | work = sunysuffolk.edu | publisher = sunysuffolk.edu | accessdate = 2013-11-28 ноември 2013 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Pennington | first = Brian Kemble | year = 2005 | title = Was Hinduism Invented? | publisher = Oxford University Press US | location = New York | isbn = 0195166558 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Shouler | first = Kenneth | year = 2010 | title = The Everything World's Religions Book: Explore the beliefs, traditions, and cultures of ancient and modern religions | publisher = Adams Media | isbn = 978-1440500367 | lang = en}}
Ред 158:
* {{cite book | last = Tillich | first = P | year = 1957 | title = Dynamics of faith | publisher = Harper Perennial | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Tillich | first = P | year = 1959 | title = Theology of Culture | publisher = Oxford University Press | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | last = Turner | first = Darrell J | year = 2012 | url = http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/715463/Religion-Year-In-Review-2000 | title = Religion: Year In Review 2000 | work = Encyclopedia Britannica | publisher = Encyclopedia Britannica | accessdate = 2012-06-16 юни 2012 | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Tylor | first = E.B | year = 1871 | title = Primitive Culture: Researches Into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, and Custom. Vol. 1 | publisher = John Murray | location = London | url = http://archive.org/stream/primitiveculture1tylouoft#page/424/mode/2up | lang = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Vergote | first = A. | year = 1996 | title = Religion, belief and unbelief. A Psychological Study | publisher = Leuven University Press | lang = en}}
* {{cite web | publisher = WIN-Gallup International | year = 2012 | url = http://www.wingia.com/web/files/richeditor/filemanager/Global_INDEX_of_Religiosity_and_Atheism_PR__6.pdf | title = Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism | date =27 юли 2012 | accessdate = 2012-08-24 август 2012 | lang = en}}