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Ред 33:
; Цитирани източници
* {{cite book | last = Adamowicz | first = Elza | title = Un Chien Andalou: (Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí, 1929) | year = 2010 | publisher = I.B.Tauris | location = London | isbn = 978-1-84885-056-9 | url = http://www.ibtauris.com/Books/The%20arts/Film%20TV%20%20radio/Films%20cinema/Film%20guides%20%20reviews/~/media/Files/Extracts/Visual%20Culture/9781848850569.ashx | lang = en | lang-icon = yes }}
* {{cite web | publisher = brain-juice.com | year = 2012 | title = Luis Buñuel | url = http://www.brain-juice.com/cgi-bin/show_bio.cgi?p_id=136 | work = brain-juice.com | accessdate = 23 юли 2012 | lang = en | lang-icon = yes }}
* {{cite journal | last = Buñuel | first = Luis | year = 1929 | title = Un Chien Andalou | journal = La Révolution Surréaliste | date =12 декември 1929 | volume = 12 | lang = fr | lang-icon = yes }}
* {{cite book | last = Buñuel | first = Luis | year = 2003 | title = My Last Sigh | publisher = University of Minnesota Press | location = Minneapolis | isbn = 0-8166-4387-3 | lang = en | lang-icon = yes }}
* {{cite | фамилия-част = Buñuel | име-част = Luis | заглавие-част = Notes on the Making of Un Chien Andalou | заглавие = Art in Cinema: documents toward a history of the film society | място = Philadelphia | издател = Temple University Press | дата = 2006 | isbn = 1-59213-425-4 | url = http://www.scribd.com/doc/32547313/Art-in-Cinema | език = en}}
* {{cite book | last = Etherington-Smith | first = Meredith | title = The Persistence of Memory: A Biography of Dalí | year = 1995 | publisher = Da Capo Press | location = New York | isbn = 0-306-80662-2 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=soncxLrkYX0C&pg=PA94&lpg=PA94&dq=We+had+to+look+for+the+plot+line.+Dalí+said+to+me,+%22I+dreamed+last+night+of+ants+swarming+around+in+my+hands%27,+and+I+said,+%22Good+Lord,+and+I+dreamed+that+I+had+sliced+somebody+or+other%27s+eye.+There%27s+the+film,+let%27s+go+and+make+it.&source=bl&ots=lW9A67yfkH&sig=YNJDePBlUgnABBXmas976vG2Jc4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xewRUNiHHIqI8QS_74GICw&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=We%20had%20to%20look%20for%20the%20plot%20line.%20Dalí%20said%20to%20me%2C%20%22I%20dreamed%20last%20night%20of%20ants%20swarming%20around%20in%20my%20hands%27%2C%20and%20I%20said%2C%20%22Good%20Lord%2C%20and%20I%20dreamed%20that%20I%20had%20sliced%20somebody%20or%20other%27s%20eye.%20There%27s%20the%20film%2C%20let%27s%20go%20and%20make%20it.&f=false | lang = en | lang-icon = yes }}
* {{cite journal | last = Hoberman | first = J | title = A Charismatic Chameleon: On Luis Buñuel | journal = The Nation | year = 2012 | date =14 май 2012 | url = http://www.thenation.com/article/167559/charismatic-chameleon-luis-bunuel# | accessdate = 3 август 2012 | lang = en | lang-icon = yes }}
* {{cite web | last = Koller | first = Michael | title = Un Chien Andalou | url = http://sensesofcinema.com/2001/cteq/chien/ | work = Senses of Cinema | publisher = Film Victoria | accessdate = 23 юли 2012 | lang = en | lang-icon = yes }}
* {{cite book | last = Mansfield | first = Nick | title = Subjectivity: Theories of the Self from Freud to Haraway | year = 2000 | publisher = New York University Press | location = New York | isbn = 0-8147-5650-6 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=qBVh5gVTlC4C&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false | lang = en | lang-icon = yes }}
* {{cite book | last = Mathijs | first = Ernest | title = Cult Cinema | year = 2011 | publisher = Blackwell | location = West Sussex | isbn = 978-1-4051-7374-2 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=uPtuaV7IAt0C&pg=PT194&lpg=PT194&dq=chien+andalou+film+societies&source=bl&ots=56Elf3Vu18&sig=IRNt4pjXT7mN6JlAn57R24h8hLw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=adcNUJirM-mw2wW_j4HYCA&ved=0CGwQ6AEwDg#v=onepage&q=chien%20andalou%20film%20societies&f=false | lang = en | lang-icon = yes }}
* {{cite web | last = O'Donoghue | first = Darragh | year = 2004 | title = On Some Motifs in Poe: Jean Epstein’s La Chute de la maison Usher | url = http://sensesofcinema.com/2004/feature-articles/la_chute_de_la_maison_usher/#b4 | publisher = Senses of Cinema | accessdate = 27 юли 2012 | lang = en | lang-icon = yes }}