Наяди: Разлика между версии

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Ред 1:
[[Файл:Naiad1.jpg|мини|ляво|A Naiad or Hylas with a Nymph. 1893.Джон Уилям Уотърхаус]]
{{Гръцка митология 3}}
'''Наядите''' <!--от гр. νάειν, "тека," и νἃμα, "течаща вода")--> в [[древногръцката митология]] са [[нимфи]], които имат власт над изворите, ручеите, потоците. Те се отнасят към потомците на [[Океан (митология)|Океан]] и [[Тетида]], наброяват до три хиляди. По думите на [[Хезиод]] "да„да не изрекат всички техни имена, не е по силите на никой от човеците. Знае името на потока само този, който близо живее"живее“
Наядите са древни божества, заедно с хтоничните божества, те се споменават заедно със [[сатири]]те, [[курети]]те, [[корибанти]]те и др. Те са пазители на [[вода]]та и имат благодетелни функции. Има наяди-целителки и лечителки, къпането в чиито води лекува [[болест]]и. Водите на източниците, обитавани от наяди имат очистващо и прорицателско въздействие и даже имат способността да даряват [[младост]] и [[безсмъртие]].
Ред 8:
Същността на наядите е ограничена до техния извор или поток. Ако те пресъхнат, наядите умират.
<!--Though Walter Burkert points out, "When in the ''[[Iliad]]'' [xx.4 - 9] Zeus calls the gods into assembly on Mount Olympus, it is not only the well-known [[Twelve Olympians|Olympians]] who come along, but also all the nymphs and all the rivers; [[Okeanos]] alone remains at his station," (Burkert 1985), Greek hearers recognized this impossibility as the poet's [[hyperbole]], which proclaimed the universal power of Zeus over the ancient natural world: "the„the worship of these deities," Burkert confirms, "is„is limited only by the fact that they are inseparably identified with a specific locality."
They were often the object of archaic local cults, worshipped as essential to fertility and human life. Boys and girls at coming-of-age dedicated their childish locks to the local naiad of the spring. In places like Lerna their waters' ritual cleansings were credited with magical medical properties. Animals were ritually drowned there. Oracles might be sited by ancient springs.
When a mythic king is credited with marrying a naiad and founding a city, [[Robert Graves]] offers a sociopolitical reading: the new arriving Hellenes justify their presence by taking to wife the naiad of the spring, so, in the back-story of the myth of [[Aristaeus]], Hypseus, a king of the [[Lapiths]] wed Chlidanope, a naiad, who bore him [[Cyrene]]. In parallels among the Immortals, the loves and rapes of Zeus, according to Graves' readings, record the supplanting of ancient local cults by Olympian ones (Graves 1955, ''passim''). Aristaeus had more than ordinary mortal experience with the naiads: when his bees died in Thessaly, he went to consult the naiads. His aunt Arethusa invited him below the water's surface, where he was washed with water from a perpetual spring and given advice. A less well-connected mortal might have drowned, being sent as a messenger in this way to gain the advice and favor of the naiads for his people.
Naiads could be dangerous: [[Hylas]] of the [[Argo]]'s crew was lost when he was taken by naiads fascinated by his beauty (''illustration, above right''). The naiads were also known to exhibit jealous tendencies. [[Theocritus]]' story of naiad jealousy was that of a shepherd, [[Daphnis]], who was the lover of [[Nomia]], Daphnis had on several occasions been unfaithful to Nomia and as revenge she permanently blinded him.
Ред 18:
The Naiads were either daughters of [[Zeus]] or various [[Oceanids]], but a genealogy for such ancient, ageless creatures is easily overstated. The water nymph associated with particular springs was known all through Europe in places with no direct connection with Greece, surviving in the Celtic wells of northwest Europe that have been rededicated to Saints, and in the medieval [[Melusine]].
== Видове наяди ==
# [[Crinaeae]] (извори)
# [[Лимнади]] или [[Limnatides]] (езера)
Ред 25:
# [[Eleionomae]] (блата)
== Наяди ==
# [[Aegle]]
# [[Аретуза]]