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Ред 1:
| status_ref = <ref name="iucn">{{IUCN| id=161692| title=Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)| downloaded=1 февруари 2015}}</ref>
| regnum = Animalia
| regnum-bg = [[Животни]]
| phylum = Chordata
| phylum-bg = [[Хордови]]
| classis = Chondrichthyes
| classis-bg = [[Хрущялни риби]]
| subclassis = Elasmobranchii
| subclassis-bg = [[Пластинчатохрили]]
| ordo = Myliobatiformes
| ordo-bg = [[Опашношипови]]
| familia = [[Dasyatidae]]
| genus = [[Himantura]]
| species = '''H. uarnak'''
| synonyms_ref = <ref name="CoL">{{cite web| url=http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2015/details/species/id/9860f64f30dc1344339d01136e033036/source/tree| title=Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)| publisher=[[Catalogue of Life: 2015 Annual Checklist]]| accessdate=4 юни 2015}}</ref>
| synonyms =
* ''Dasyatis favus'' <small>(non Annandale, 1909)</small>
* ''Dasyatis gerrardi'' <small>(non Gray, 1851)</small>
* ''Dasyatis jenkinsii'' <small>(non Annandale, 1909)</small>
* ''Dasyatis uarnak'' <small>(Gmelin, 1789)</small>
* ''Dasybatus uarnak'' <small>(Gmelin, 1789)</small>
* ''Himantura gerrardi'' <small>(non Gray, 1851)</small>
* ''Himantura punctata'' <small>(Günther, 1870)</small>
* ''Himantura toshi'' <small>(non Whitley, 1939)</small>
* ''Raja sephen uarnak'' <small>Forsskål, 1775</small>
* ''Raja uarnak'' <small>Gmelin, 1789</small>
* ''Trygon gerrardi'' <small>(non Gray, 1851)</small>
* ''Trygon punctata'' <small>Günther, 1870</small>
* ''Trygon uarnak'' <small>(Gmelin, 1789)</small>
'''''Himantura uarnak''''' е вид [[акула]] от семейство [[Dasyatidae]].<ref name="CoL">{{cite web| url=http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2015/details/species/id/9860f64f30dc1344339d01136e033036/source/tree| title=Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)| publisher=Catalogue of Life: 2015 Annual Checklist| accessdate=4 юни 2015}}</ref><ref name="ITIS">{{cite web| url=http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=564621| title=Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)| publisher=[[ITIS|Integrated Taxonomic Information System]]| accessdate=1 февруари 2015}}</ref> Видът е [[уязвим вид|уязвим]] и сериозно [[застрашен вид|застрашен]] от изчезване.<ref name="iucn">{{IUCN| id=161692| title=Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)| downloaded=1 февруари 2015}}</ref>
== Разпространение и местообитание ==
Ред 61 ⟶ 31 :
== Външни препратки ==
* {{cite web| url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=195307| title=Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)| publisher=[[NCBI|National Center for Biotechnology Information]]/Taxonomy Browser| accessdate=7 юни 2015| език=en}}
* {{cite web| url=http://www.gbif.org/species/5215888| title=Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)| publisher=[[Global Biodiversity Information Facility]]| accessdate=5 юни 2015| език=en}}
* {{cite web| url=http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/speciesSummary.php?id=5507| title=Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)| publisher=[[FishBase]]| accessdate=8 юни 2015| език=en}}
* {{cite web| url=https://www.freebase.com//m/05q51k_| title=Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)| publisher=[[Freebase]]| accessdate=8 юни 2015| език=en}}