Йоан Куркуа: Разлика между версии

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Ред 12:
* {{citation| author = Барийский аноним | title = Хроника | publisher = Восточная Литература, www.vostlit.info | url = http://www.vostlit.info/Texts/rus17/Chr_barensis_anonymi/text.phtml}}
* {{citation | last = Каждан | first = Александър | title = Армян в состав господствующег клас Византийско империи. XI-XII вв| place = Ереван | year = 1975}}
* {{citation | last = Andriollo | first = Lisa | chapter = Les Kourkouas (IXe-XIe siècle) | language = French френски | title = Studies in Byzantine Sigillography | volume = 11 | editor1-last = Cheynet | editor1-first=Jean-Claude | editor2-last = Sode | editor2-first = Claudia | location = Berlin | publisher = De Gruyter | year = 2012 | pages = 57 – 88 | isbn = 978-3-11-026668-9 | url = https://www.academia.edu/2074096/Les_Kourkouas_IXe-XIe_siecle_}}
* {{citation|first = Vera | last= Falkenhausen | year = 2003|url ={{Google books|CSZQ-VPFKoMC|plainurl=yes}}| chapter = Between Two Empires: Southern Italy in the Reign of Basil II | title = Byzantium in the year 1000 Byzantium in the year 1000 / ed. by Paul Magdalino| series= The Medieval Mediterranean |issue = 45 |issn =0928 – 5520 |isbn=9004120971 |publisher = Brill |place = Leiden & Boston | pages= 135 – 160}}
* {{citation| last =Norwich |first=John Julius | title=The Normans in the South 1016 – 1130 | place= London |publisher = Longman | year = 1967}}